We are a small, dynamic website development company that has created, designed, and maintained author websites for over 25 years. We specialize in customized WordPress sites for writers in all genres, for both debut authors and those with dozens of books. We also support branding through print and online ads, social media design, custom newsletters and other promotional materials. While we are in the business of creating functional beauty, we are best known for our individualized attention to clients and details, along with amazing responsiveness.
Every web designer has a different style. To see if we’re the right designers for you, take a look at our designs… they’re well-organized, creative, professional, and convey a sense of the author’s personality.
To find out more about what we do, peruse the FAQ page, take a look at the client list and check out the author website design portfolio. If you still have time, read what some nice folks have to say about our work in the praise section below and throughout the site. Hopefully what you read will answer any questions you might have regarding our author website development. If you have more questions or would like to query us about doing a website, feel free to email me (Maddee).

about us
One of our best qualities is our personal commitment and fast service to our clients; we love our work! You can read a little bit about us below.
Maddee: I started xuni.com over twenty-five years ago (who knew I was that old?!). It all started way back in 1998 when I met a thriller writer at a dinner party. He was in the middle of researching a book and asked me whether geophysical equipment could define the shape of a body underground. I was a geologist at the time, but being into earthquakes and landslides, I didn’t know the answer to the buried body question. Four phone calls and many emails later, I’d found the answer, ended up as a character in his book—and the webmaven of his site. Funny how life can change over a dinner conversation. I love books, photography, design, architecture, color, dogs, flowers, cemeteries… and I think I have the perfect job.
Ryan: I’ve been working as a web developer since 2000… whoa! I’ve built sites for national companies, governments, power companies, large and small businesses, non-profits and of course, authors. Author sites are my favorite by far, for I am a romantic and adventurer myself! 🙂 I love working for xuni; I have never worked with anyone who cares about their clients and product more than Maddee. I love stories and characters of all kinds, I love ice cream, cereal, trekking and loud guitars. I am eternally grateful for the relationships and opportunities this job has given me. I couldn’t possibly recommend xuni more; try us out, we’re a great crew!! Also, check out my outlaw country band! RoughCutsBand.com.
Riley: I have been working for xuni.com officially since 2018, but I like to think I’ve been a part of my mom’s company for longer than that. That’s right, Maddee is my mom! As the son of a great designer and entrepreneur, I was honored when she offered me a job to start working for her company. I was 6,000 miles away at the time and living in Europe, but working for her gave me the opportunity to continue travel and work on my photography abroad. Now, I’m back home in Colorado and continue to work for xuni.com while I explore the mountains, go to car shows, occasionally see Ryan & The Rough Cuts perform, and take even more photos!
very kind words
“The site is absolutely gorgeous. I am loving it. You and Riley did an AMAZING job compiling everything. There are so many beautiful aspects, like the way the header photos are at the bottoms of the pages (you were right!). I love how open and clean it feels, and how easy to navigate.”
Michele Weber Hurwitz
Julia Heaberlin
Lee McIntyre
Get in touch!
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please email again, in case your email got lost in cyberspace...
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